Friday 18 May 2012


Treatment of Coldplay- Us against the world.
I want a dark room with a bed in the middle and a man lying on one side of the bed a girl on the other side of the bed with and whilst he is sleeping she walks away and then it will show a clock on the side with a time that has stopped as she walks out of the room, Chris will walk in and start singing the first two lines walking around the bed while the man lies down and just looks at the door, and then it will cut to the girl walking past the sea front and the water disappearing when he sings the third line and you will see a hole in the sea where the water disappears too.

The first line of the second verse, I want the man to run out of the front of his house and down the street after her and while that is happening I want Chris to be walking above the town on a tightrope see the man running after the girl who is dressed as a devil, on the second line I want her to turn around and have a close up of her bright blue eyes then a close up of the man running and then a cutaway to Chris in a saints marching band walking into a building.

Then I want on the first line of the chorus everything to slow down and then a cutaway of the man running in slow motion through a pile up on the second line and then a shot of Chris on the side of the street as the girl goes past and the man running goes past him as he starts singing the last line of the chorus.

The first line of the fourth verse I want Chris to be standing in a river whilst in rains and see the man looking around as if he has lost her and then walks into a cave in a bottle of Jack Daniels then a cutaway of a bridge with Chris standing on the edge singing the third line and on the fourth line the camera will move around to the side of the bridge with the girl hanging of the edge and the man running and as she falls off the bridge into the after the man jumps in after her

Then on the fifth verse while Chris is on the beach singing it will show the man rescuing the girl and pulling her out and lying on the beach as they both just look at each other as a time lapse happens of a few weeks over the last line and the sixth verse.

The chorus I want chris to start walking towards the edge of the beach underneath bridge and meet up with his band and start singing

The last verse I will show the man and women get up and walk together hand in hand up the beach with the song in the background 

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