Tuesday 15 May 2012



Before I started the A-Level Media Nationals course, I had already completed and passed a Creative and Media Diploma Level 2 and also an AS-Level Photography Course. These subjects that I did in the previous year gave me some of the basic skills and also some of the advanced skills in Photoshop, Illustrator and the very basics in Final Cut. All throughout this Media Nationals Course I have learnt more advanced skills in mainly Photoshop, and also learnt some advanced skills in Final Cut. At the start of this course we where told to design a Magazine Cover. For this we had to take a picture under controlled lighting conditions and research a genre of magazines, which we wanted our magazine to be similar like. For this I choose to design my magazine in Photoshop, mainly because I knew Photoshop well, and I wanted to experiment with the different tools available. All throughout the designing of the magazine cover I was experimenting with the different tools and adjustments Photoshop had to offer, and the end product was suitable for the target audience with the colors, font and images I used. Further on in the course we started to get introduced to garage band, I have only use garage band once before this course and that was just simple importing sounds and moving them around. This time I was using more tools to crop the music and also change the pitch of each; even though this was easy I was still in the learning stage of garage band and figuring out what tool did and how I could use that in the future. I still haven’t explored garage band beyond the basics. Still in the experimenting stage of the programs, we where told to go out and make a film trailer for a film we had to make up, this was one of the most creative and productive part of the course for me because I could show what I can do with a camera and final cut. When we shot all of the scenes that we needed I then imported them into final cut and then started to create a film trailer by overlapping the images and using the different tools available on final cut, I could show a lot more definition and give a lot more impact to the audience by changing the way the video looked and sounded.

All throughout this course I do asked quite regularly if I can help another student when they get stuck, this is mainly because I have an advantage over Photoshop due to my subjects last year and also A-Level Graphics this year which gives me more experience on the program, I do like helping out because it does test what I know and even if I don’t know something I like to go over and watch what you would have to do, so I learn even more about Photoshop. Also when we work in groups we each take on a role that is very important to the group. When we where shooting the film trailer, we all pitched ideas and decided as a group which ones we will end up doing, whilst shooting the video the main roles where handed over to me and another student due to that we had abit of an advantage over the other students, I was happy being in charge and also being told what I was doing wrong, and then being told what to do. I felt like in the group no one had a specific role so everyone got to show there experience and learn more throughout the filming. I also have no problem working independently because if something goes wrong it’s only yourself to blame and you can put your full potential to work.
With my presentations, I like to give them a unique style to them so they feel more personal and I give my blog a personal touch, which is different from the mainstream presentations. My first presentation that I did was about my design of a new CD cover for an upcoming artist, I presented my CD cover and the research leading up to the CD cover, such as the mood board and my influence sheet. Afterwards I had feedback from the focus group that gave me both positive and negative points. Giving feedback to other students with there presentation is hard because you know them, but also it is easy because you can tell them where they have excelled in and where they haven’t so they can improve it and gain a better mark.
Deadlines are no problem because I am always on top of the work that is being given and in my frees and I am catching up to any work that I have feel behind in.

The skills that I am learning in this course can only go so far, outside this course I am doing my own research into different artists that use Photoshop and different techniques that I can use in the future, recently I have learnt how to create a 3D image out of a 2D image. I am also planning to learn different skills in my work experience coming up. Finally I learn skills just by observation, looking at different logos and thinking into more detail how they did that and how I could do that in my work.

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